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Hurricane Season Is Approaching: What You Need to Be Prepared

There’s no better time than now to prepare for a hurricane. The peak of hurricane season falls between June and October each year. This means people living along the Gulf Coast, the Atlantic Ocean, and other areas prone to hurricanes need to act now. This also means that Florida is often directly in the path of a storm, no matter which way it’s traveling. If this is you, it’s important to know what to do when one approaches.

Hurricanes are large cyclonic storms with wind speeds that can get up to and higher than 155 miles per hour. They are unpredictable and can cause widespread damage, especially if they make landfall. Fortunately, there are things you can do to increase your level of preparedness for a potential hurricane in your area. These tips will help keep you and your family safe when the threat of a hurricane becomes imminent or if one hits unexpectedly. At AGENTFTL, we are very pleased to be able to provide this information for our past, current, and future clients.

Create a Plan

Start by creating a household hurricane plan. This should include a communication plan, a shelter plan, and an evacuation plan. Everyone in your household must know who to contact in an emergency. You should also decide on who will mainly listen to the weather forecast and how you will receive any updated information. While not all hurricanes will require evacuation, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Make sure everyone in your household knows what to do if evacuation is necessary. It’s also good to create a first aid kit and assemble a disaster supplies kit. Your disaster supplies kit should include things like flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food, bottled water, and a first aid kit. Keep these kits stocked so that you don’t have to worry about not having what you need when the time comes.

Stock Up on the Basics

The next step in preparing for a hurricane is to stock up on the basics. You will want to make sure you have plenty of water and nonperishable food. You’ll also want to be sure to have plenty of batteries on hand to power your flashlights and other devices. Also, keep a battery-operated radio on hand so that you can stay up to date on the storm’s progress.

When a hurricane watch is issued in your area, it’s important to react quickly. We can predict them well in advance, but we will not know the severity of the impact until a day or two before it happens. Often, stores sell out of these basics quickly as the hurricane approaches. The same concept goes for gasoline. Remember to fill up your gas tank and any containers in preparation for emergencies. Also, generators typically use gas to operate, so be aware of that.

Check Your Home for Potential Hazards

It’s important to check your home for potential hazards. You don’t want to find out the hard way that your home has some hazard that you weren’t aware of. It’s a good idea to check things like your roof and your windows to see if they are in good condition. Make sure your roof is sturdy enough to withstand high winds, and make sure the windows can handle pressure from the water. You should also check your home’s wiring to make sure it is up to code. Faulty wiring poses a significant fire hazard, and you don’t want to be in harm’s way if this happens. When evacuation is necessary, or the hurricane is posing some high wind/water level threats, be sure to board up your windows.


Hurricane season is coming soon, so it’s important to know how to prepare for the storms that may be headed your way. With these tips, you will be able to handle whatever natural disasters may come your way. If you need any help checking your house or getting it ready, don’t hesitate to contact me. With a wealth of resources, I can make sure your property is as safe as possible in the face of mother nature.

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