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Energized by the blend of ambition and the pursuit of luxury, I am a dedicated Real Estate Agent serving the tri-county jewel of South Florida: Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade. Having moved from the City of Brotherly Love—Philadelphia—to the sun-soaked landscapes of Fort Lauderdale in 2020, I bring a unique perspective that unifies northern grit with southern opulence. For over 20 years, my roots were firmly planted in Philly, a city that taught me the value of hard work and resilience. Now, I’m applying those lessons in a place where palm trees replace the concrete jungle.

Specializing in high-end residential properties, my approach is not just about bricks and mortar. It’s a 360-degree lifestyle offering. Whether it’s finding the perfect ocean-view penthouse or securing a mansion with a state-of-the-art dock for your yacht, I leverage my expansive network and sharp negotiation skills to not just meet, but exceed my clients’ expectations.

But let’s pivot for a moment. Outside the bustling world of luxury real estate, I revel in the fast-paced action of ice hockey, the tactical intricacies of football, and the adrenaline rush of snowboarding. Ah, the thrill of gliding down a mountain on a snowboard—it’s not too different from the thrill I get when I close a deal that makes both buyer and seller feel like they’ve hit the jackpot.

Above all, I’m a family man. My incredible wife Ilona and our delightful daughter Nyla, who just turned 3, are my true North Star. Debates on science, politics, and entrepreneurship? Count me in; I could go on for hours. At the core of my life’s endeavors is a singular goal: to secure a future where my family not only thrives but also flourishes.

So, let’s talk. Whether you’re curious about the market trends affecting your dream neighborhood, or you’re looking for the next phenomenal investment, I’m your go-to expert. Financial security for my family drives me, but helping you find your dream home, your forever sanctuary? That’s my passion.

Glen Primak
Glen Primak

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